Desperate For Him (Collection)

A collection, potpourri or pastiche of various voice styles and deliveries covering male, and female voices with multiple accents. This is a great way to quickly access whether Grenville is the right VO for your project, be it Podcast, Audiobook, Documentary or Cartoon character.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Please stay awhile…for here you’ll discover a repository of archived published and unpublished work in print, audio and film. For more recent articles on democratic reform refer to my Blog

The site is intentionally minimalist for ease of navigation. Use the Categories to select from VoiceOvers (the spoken word); Film (a potpourri of acting roles); and The Written Word.

Thank you for coming round. You will notice (hopefully) that I have discretely scattered a few poor boxes around the site for those generous benefactors who may wish to show their appreciation by way of a small donation to the arts.